Top 10 Alert!
Song#: 0581 Date: 04/25/1981
Debut: 76
Peak: 8
Weeks: 17
Genre: Pop, Soundtrack
Pop Bits: Diamond nabs another hit from his highly successful soundtrack to "The Jazz Singer." The album became his biggest US seller and it was the first and only time he had three song go Top 10 from one album. The patriotic song quickly became a favorite at his concerts.
ReduxReview: For me, I think this is the last great classic Diamond song before he got tossed in the AC bucket and his music followed suit. It's an anthem with a solid melody and the big "today" shout that folks always did when hearing this song. It's exciting, has nice sentiment in the lyrics, and is just hard to resist.
ReduxRating: 8/10
Trivia: Double Shot! 1) Although it sounds like it was recorded in concert, the song was recorded in the studio and crowd noises were added to make it seem like a live performance. 2) After the September 11 attacks, radio giant Clear Channel issued a list of song to their stations deemed insensitive or inappropriate for play at the time. Despite the song having a pro-America patriotic theme, this song was included on their list.
Chart Run: 76 - 39 - 27 - 20 - 15 - 12 - 9 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 13 - 14 - 20 - 32 - 51 - 55 - 93