Sunday, May 12, 2013

"Let's Do Something Cheap and Superficial" by Burt Reynolds

Song#:  0368
Date:  10/18/1980
Debut:  93
Peak:  88
Weeks:  5
Genre:  Country, Soundtrack

Pop Bits:  Yup - you read that right. Burt Reynolds. Betcha you didn't know he could sing? He probably didn't either. Back in the 50s and into the early 70s, it was practically required that a big star sing. Usually they had to do some song for a variety show or in some oddball musical. Even Bette Davis croaked out some singles and an album along the way. But as the 80s came along, the practice of turning stars into singers kind of went away so it was an oddity that for the film "Smokey & the Bandit II," Reynolds recorded this song. He doesn't sing it in the film, but there is a scene with Sally Field where he gives her a gift of this 45 that he had recorded. Since the Bandit films were so popular and the first one had a popular soundtrack, featuring Jerry Reed's #2 country hit "East Bound and Down," someone probably thought it was a good idea to get Reynolds on the soundtrack as another marketing angle. But like he says in the movie about his single, only about 75 were pressed and he still has 74 of them...and that about sums up this chart appearance (although it did manage to get to #51 on the country chart). Thankfully, it was his one any only chart song (although he did warble in the movie version of the musical "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.")

ReduxReview:  I'm sure that this song was not done seriously and was just supposed to be a comedic addition to the film and soundtrack, so it makes it a little hard to critique. I mean, what can you say? The guy can't sing, the song is barely funny, and it's not even a good parody of a country tune. It's a giant mess - kind of like the film. So maybe in that way, it worked! This is really just publicity/marketing gone awry.

ReduxRating:  1/10

Trivia:  Double Shot!  1) I had no idea he was born in Lansing, Michigan, which is my neck of the woods.  2)  Being that he was the biggest box office draw in the 70s, Reynolds was offered some significant roles that he ended up turning down. When Sean Connery dropped out as James Bond, Reynolds was offered the role. He declined saying that an American just can't play Bond. Later, he was offered the part of Han Solo in "Star Wars." He turned that down too, and after Tom Selleck also declined, the part when to Harrison Ford.



  1. Holy crap is this terrible. This ranks about as low as the George Burns song right at the beginning, or that America schmaltz. Wow.
