
Saturday, July 12, 2014

"Apache" by Sugarhill Gang

Song#:  0914
Date:  02/13/1982
Debut:  88
Peak:  53
Weeks:  11
Genre:  Rap

Pop Bits:  This early, influential rap group made in-roads at pop with their 1979 hit "Rapper's Delight" (#36). It would still take years before the pop world would embrace rap, but the Sugarhill Gang continued to help forge a path for other rap artists to follow. This second single from their "8th Wonder" LP would be their second-best showing at pop while reaching #13 at R&B. Even though it would be their last pop entry, their legacy and influence would reach far beyond any chart.

ReduxReview:  I've heard this song many times before (see below), but I've never heard this version. And it pretty much rawks! This is old-school rap well done. The group didn't really get much critical love compared to their contemporaries, but their hot singles like this one certainly made a mark.

ReduxRating:  8/10

Trivia:  This song is actually a remake of an instrumental hit first released by The Shadows in 1960. Their version reached #1 in the UK but failed to chart in the US. Recorded by many artists, the biggest US chart version came in 1961 when Jorgen Ingmann reached #2. But perhaps the most influential version was done by Incredible Bongo Band in 1973. The song was not a hit when issued, but its percussive arrangement (with bongos, of course) became a favorite of rap artists and it has been sampled and reworked many times - including this version by Sugarhill Gang.

However, to me the all-time best version of the song was the disco-influenced one by Denmark's Tommy Seebach in 1977. It wasn't necessarily his music that was the draw, but the video for the song. It is legen...wait for it...dary! It is truly one of the best (bad) videos ever. I even think Kanye might agree that this is the best video of all-time - even besting Beyonce!  Well, maybe not. But it rocks. If you haven't see it, please do enjoy:


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